August 14, 2015

Classroom Overhaul - Crafts and Shopping!

It's time for a reveal of the classroom update I did last summer. Last summer I did a major overhaul of my classroom. My sister had just recieved her first teaching job-- in Kindergarten. So while decorating her first classroom, I grabbed a few things here and there for my room.

By the end of the shopping trips I had a full on new classroom.

I started by organizing my closet. On the right I have all of my units packed away in tubs. EVERYTHING goes into those tubs, books, printables, centers.

The first stop was big lots for these signature classroom bins. We seriously stocked up and went to 4 different Big Lots in order to not fight over them.
We also stopped at Target for some printer ink. I printed, laminated and cut forever.
Next up a trip to dollar tree. When your only paying a dollar, I recommend buying them ALL! Oh that's my sister you see, grabbing all the ones she wanted while I took the picture.
Then we took to crafting at home. Another blog post soon about how I use these clip in my classroom during the first week of school!
Then I loaded it all into my classroom which was an adventure in itself! I will do the work in progress pictures for you tomorrow! 

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